From Vim To Emacs

Created by Tom Purl / @tompurl

Text Editors Are Tools

There are lots of great editors. Vim and Emacs are just two of them. Try lots of them and choose the one that makes you happy.

Where I'm Coming From

  • Daily Vim user for 14 years at home and work
  • Have used Vim for nearly anything that can be written, including text-based wikis, books, log files, and programs in a dozen different languages.
  • Sometimes I still gqip in my sleep.

Cool Things About Emacs

It's Not Really A Text Editor

Emacs is less of a text editor and more of a platform on which you can build applications.


init.el demo

Org Mode


Org Mode demo

Lisp / Clojure Programming

It's really hard to find a better editor for programming in any Lisp-style language

Clojure programming demo

What I Miss About Vim

Modal Editing

  • The Evil plugin helps a little but it was incomplete for me
  • Spacemacs apparently is also more modal than regular Emacs, but it is still beta quality


Universal Compatiblity

Vi(m) is installed on every Unix and Linx server in the world. Emacs is not.

Learning Resources


Org Mode

Clojure Programming

Lisp-Style Programming In General

Configuring Emacs is much easier when you are comfortable writing Lisp-style code. Skimming the first few chapters of either of these books will help you do that:


Thank you!